As we begin this year, we are walking through the values of The Practice Church. Who is God inviting us to be as a church? What does it mean to practice the way of Jesus?

This week, Mark Scandrette was with us to talk about the value of formation. We want to learn to be like Jesus and do it the way he did with his first disciples. As a community, we want to follow the example of Jesus, go on adventures with him, and engage Jesus honestly in the realities of life.

Kingdom Practice
Our practice for this week is to continue the full practice of Immanuel journaling. Last week, we dipped our toes in the water with the first step of this practice, but this week we want to go on an adventure with Jesus in the full practice. (Here is a helpful guide.)Our invitation is to commit to practicing this discipline at least four times this week, and we want to do it in community. If you are willing to join this adventure, you can join a Facebook group where we can connect and share our experience with this practice. 

You can find the Order of Practice here

If The Practice Church has been meaningful to you, would you consider supporting the work of The Practice Church with a tax-deductible gift?   

If you are committed to being a part of the local Practice Church community, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team 

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