This is the irrational season
when love blooms bright and wild.
Had Mary been filled with reason
there’d have been no room for the child.
(Madeleine L’engle)

It’s difficult to come up with words to describe last night’s gathering.  The music reached deeply into us, and helped us see the source of our longing.  I can hear the Brilliance’s haunting refrain, “Emmanuel. God with us, God with us,” and it makes me nearly weep at the beauty and unlikelihood of God coming to us in the way he did. Spending time with Mary’s words reminded me how young, how open to God’s presence in her life, and how willing to respond to him she was. Her song illuminated in me my own longing for God and my soul’s desire to honor him; and yet, it also made me realize how closed I can sometimes be to his presence and how slow to respond I can be to his call, wrapped up as I am in my plans and reason.

I left last night with a couple of ways to engage this week with what we experienced. The first is to pray a small prayer that filled my mind and heart as I left.  It’s really simple: “Lord, here I am, your servant.  Help me be open to you.”  As I pray it, I think of Mary, her humility, servanthood, and responsiveness.  Let this be me.  Let this be us.

The second is to practice lectio divina again using Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-55 — listening for what stands out as I read it and then asking God how it applies in my life and what he is inviting me to through the passage.  Would you join me?  (Last night when we practiced, I couldn’t quite get my analytical mind to quiet as it needs to in practicing lectio, so I look forward to going back to this passage and humbly seeking God’s wisdom and words instead of my own.)

I don’t think I will ever forget the end of the night, which The Brilliance closed with Joy to the World.  I couldn’t stop smiling and wanted to throw my hands in the air and dance!  Joy to the world!  The Savior reigns!  He rules with truth and grace!  Have you heard their version?  Check it out here.  Enjoy!

Grace and Peace,

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Brilliance Practice

Brilliance band Practice

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