The Practice is an experimental gathering where we immerse ourselves in God’s dream for humanity, practice the historic disciplines that align us with His dream, and carry each other along the way.

Kingdom / Practice / Tribe.

What is the big Story God is inviting us into?
What are the practices that help us say “yes”?
How do we do this together?

The three values of Kingdom, Practice, and Tribe are foundational for our little community.  In fact, they frame and guide everything we do.

And so this fall, they are helping us engage one Practice for the Suburban Stronghold each month. Centering Prayer, Sabbath, Simplicity, and Advent. Gathering the first three Sunday nights of each month, our rhythm is…

(1) Kingdom. Week one is the big picture. “What is Jesus inviting us into?”
Exploring the WHY?  A Kingdom vision.
(2) Practice. Week two is learning how to practice. “How do I align myself with Jesus’ invitation?
How do I tangibly say ‘yes’ to God’s work in me?”  Practically exploring the HOW.
(3) Tribe.  Week three is the communal journey.  “How can we flesh this out together?”
Exploring the communal HOW?  The WE.  Carrying each other.
(4) Off.  Week four (and five in November) is off.

We’re hoping that this rhythm helps us authentically engage each spiritual practice.  Obviously, a month can only dip our toes in these deep streams, but we trust God to keep drawing us deeper.

Does this make sense?  Is it helpful to see a bit of the roadmap?  Any questions?

Friends, it is pure joy to be on this holy adventure with all of you.  I can’t wait to see what God does in us this fall…