Centering Prayer

What a powerful night we had last night as Phileena Heuertz shared her story, taught us the history of contemplative prayer, and led us in the practice of centering prayer.  I am still thinking about these words: Solitude teaches us how to be...

Kingdom Practice 2: Noticing the Kingdom

Kingdom Practice Week 2 Introduction This week, we are practicing noticing where the kingdom of God is manifest.  “To notice” means to perceive, become aware of, or acknowledge acquaintance with.  Noticing the kingdom of God is the first step to seeking the kingdom of...

Setting Up the Chapel

So excited.  We spent yesterday setting up the Willow chapel in preparation for our first gathering of The Practice this Sunday night.  I can’t possibly convey how much we’re looking forward to this new adventure. Our goal for the chapel is to help it feel...

Preparing for The Practice

A few ways to begin… Hello everyone! As you know, we’re meeting for the first time on Sunday, March 9th. (More info here)  We’ll gather in the chapel to hear the heart behind this experiment, worship together, and begin practicing the way of Jesus....


And so it begins… Hello!  Thanks so much for being interested in The Practice.  We’re really excited to see what God does with a little tribe of people who humbly work to put Jesus’ words into practice.  Not just believe them in our heads, but to flesh them out...