Message: “Dying That We May Live”

Last Sunday John Perrine led us through the Lenten theme of Dying to Self, exploring Jesus’ invitation to take up our crosses and follow him. This is a difficult and complicated task. For those of you who missed it, or for those of you who’d like to...

Sunday Reflections, March 22, 2015

As I woke up early this morning and was deciding yet again what to wear (especially in light of this Spring snow!), my mind was brought back to the challenge of last night, to daily put off my old self and put on my new self in Christ. Last night John Perrine led us...

Practice Resources: Repentance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Last Sunday Kellye Fabian shared with us about the important Lenten theme of repentance. Be sure to read all about it here. In order to help you go deeper we thought we’d share a recommended reading list, including some of our...

The Lord’s Prayer Blessing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Throughout our time exploring the Lord’s Prayer this past season, Kellye Fabian has been capturing our journey with beauty and eloquence in the words of her benediction blessing that she reads to us in closing each week. Many...

Lent – Getting Started

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This past Sunday, Aaron shared that our next few weeks in The Practice are going to be focused on the season of Lent. For some of us, Lent is a familiar and well understood concept. For others, it is a completely new experience! For...