Week Four: Final Invitation

ListenListen to the audio together Reflection and DiscussionLeave space for personal reflection, then discuss these questions together How was your overall experience of this deepening prayer series?  Which of the prayers connected with you most?  Did you...

Week Three: Prayer of Reflection

Learn and PrayListen to the audio teaching and prayer guide together Group DiscussionUse the group guide to help facilitate discussion Practicing Reflection Week 3Download Next StepPractice the gratitude prayer daily until the next gathering

Week Two: Gratitude

Learn and PrayListen to the audio teaching and prayer guide together Group DiscussionUse the group guide to help facilitate discussion Practicing Gratitude Week 2Download Next StepPractice the gratitude prayer daily until the next gathering

Week One: Intercession

IntroductionWatch the introduction video together Learn and PrayListen to the audio teaching and prayer guide together Group DiscussionUse the group guide to help facilitate discussion Practicing Intercession Week 1Download Next StepPractice the intercession prayer...

Serving the Kingdom

As we continue our series on the Kingdom of God, Jason helps us move from a vision of the gospel as the present availability of God’s kingdom toward a framework for how we might participate in the kingdom. How is God inviting us to live the kingdom into every corner...

The Kingdom of God or the Kingdoms of This World

After exploring the good news that Jesus came to make the Kingdom of God available to all, Jason helps us uncover what kingdoms we may be living in. Are we submitting the places of control in our lives to the kingdom of God or the kingdoms of this world? Jason then...