Hesed in Community: Holy Ground Moments

This fall, we continue to explore God’s invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, generosity, and commitment. This week, Sharon Swing asked us to consider how God is inviting...

Listening Guidelines

Below are the incredibly helpful listening guidelines used with One Life Maps. These guidelines help us to share with honesty and vulerability while creating a space in which we can be listened to, known, and loved. You can find the entire booklet from which this is...

Hesed in Community: An Alternative Society

This fall, we continue to explore God’s invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, generosity, and commitment. This week, Jason Feffer shared how a hesed-shaped community is a...

Hesed in Community: Biblical Community

This fall, we continue to explore how we might put into practice God’s invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, we Bill Donahue guided...

Becoming a Hesed-Shaped Community

This is the second week in our vision series, as we examine God’s invitation to The Practice Church in this season. Last week, we asked how we can be a community drawn together by a shared desire to wade into the deep waters of God’s hesed. This week, we...

Hesed: God’s Loyal Love

In this series, we are exploring God’s invitation to The Practice Church in this season. How can we be a community that is drawn together by a shared desire to wade into the deep waters of God’s hesed? If it is helpful, you can continue resting in...