Sunday Reflections, October 12, 2014

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”  — Psalm 116:7 Last night was all about the “how” of Sabbath.  Didn’t Sabbath take on a whole new meaning for you?  It did for me.  Wow. Aaron shared a helpful way to frame Sabbath,...

Sunday Reflections, September 21, 2014

Last night felt to me like a great circling together, a gathering of brothers and sisters in Christ, a community serious about rearranging our lives to follow Jesus.  From our coffee and dessert to our prayers of intercession to our sharing of stories, and from our...

Sunday Reflections, September 7, 2014

Here Are My Desires Last night we started our journey into the practices of silence and centering prayer as a first step out of the noise of our rushed, over-scheduled lives and into communion with God.  I don’t know about you, but the first couple segments of silence...