Sunday Reflections, October 5, 2014

Sabbath and Identity I left our gathering last night wondering: What if God is actually good?  I know this is a strange thing to ponder as a follower of Jesus and someone who has experienced God’s goodness.  But, as much as I believe that God is good, I...

The Rhythm of our Gatherings

The Practice is an experimental gathering where we immerse ourselves in God’s dream for humanity, practice the historic disciplines that align us with His dream, and carry each other along the way. Kingdom / Practice / Tribe. What is the big Story God is inviting us...

Practicing Centering Prayer

On Sunday night, we learned from two contemplative activists – Phileena Heuertz and Lynne Hybels – about the discipline of Centering Prayer.  As you practice this week, here are a few more wise thoughts.  So helpful! (1) After The Practice, we sat down...

Practices as INVITATION: a beautiful framework

For many of us, the journey into spiritual practices is loaded with anticipation and fear, desire and ambivalence, calling and confusion.  We can feel God drawing us onto the path, but there are so many competing voices along the way.  Are spiritual disciplines clever...

What Do You Want Me to Do for You?

  About a year and a half ago, I mined the gospels for the questions Jesus asked the people he encountered during his life on earth.  Maybe it’s the lawyer in me, but I find questions fascinating.  And Jesus’ questions are no exception.  In fact, I have found...

Half way through our Summer Journey

For the past two weeks we have been immersing ourselves in the experience of listening as a spiritual practice. We are learning to attune to ourselves, to one another, and most importantly, to God. Much is being harvested in silence. As we engage in listening as a...