Preparing for a Season of Preparation

Last night at The Practice we gathered together to prepare for Lent – which is, (ironically) a season of preparation for Easter. I don’t know about you – but this is perhaps the first time in my entire life that I have actually thought about Lent before it was upon...

A Liturgy of Vocation

Last night we took a journey through the whole arc of God’s work in the world, seeing the ways that God’s work parallels our own vocations (which, of course, go beyond what we might think of as “work” to include the whole of who we are in the world – both inside and...

The Story of Vocation

Last night at The Practice we continued in our ‘Visions of Vocation’ series, picking up where Steven Garber left off in the conversation of how our vocations are integral, not incidental, to the Mission of God. I don’t know about you, but it has genuinely surprised me...

A Theology of Vocation

This past Sunday, January 10th, the Practice tribe reconvened after a Christmas break with a deep dive into a new series on Vocation. For many of us, this might have been the last topic we wanted to dwell on, with the pressures of work seeming the very reason for...