Why We Need Silence

This Fall is all about learning to practice the unforced rhythms of grace that align us with the movement of God’s Kingdom for the sake of the world. During our first week together, Aaron described God’s Kingdom through the picture of a powerful, slow moving river,...

Sunday Reflections, September 27, 2015: Why We Need Silence

Where we’ve been This Fall is all about learning to practice the unforced rhythms of grace that align us with the movement of God’s Kingdom for the sake of the world. During our first week together, Aaron described God’s Kingdom through the picture of a...

Prayers of the People (9.21.15)

Last night, we prayed a heartbreaking and yet beautiful liturgy for the world. John and Jenny Potter wrote and lead this powerful Prayers of the People for Syrian refugees, the systemic racism in our country, and our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, carried by the music of...

Connecting to Our Desire

If you were able to join us last night for Ruth Haley Barton, then you, like me, might still be reeling from the invitation to explore our desires. As Ruth shared from her own story that she often doesn’t live in tune with the desires of her life, she started...