Vision & Invitation

It seemed an odd beginning to a night of celebrating God’s ongoing redemptive work in the world. There we were praying for a child who had been critically injured in a crash just steps from where we were sitting. How do you pivot from praying that prayer to a Psalm...

Stories of Resurrection in Community

Last night was one of my favorite kind of nights at The Practice. Over the past four weeks we’ve had the privilege to hear Stories of Resurrection from some incredible guests, testifying to the power of Christ’s Resurrection in Race, Religion and Iraq, but last night...

Sunday Reflections, March 21, 2016: Palm Sunday Potluck

Last night was such a joyful shift in tone from our past few weeks focusing on lament. It was such a joy to have the presence of families and children among us as we gathered in the Chapel to celebrate the beginning of Holy Week, Palm Sunday. Our invitation to worship...