09.18.16 Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

This week began our deep exploration of practicing the Beatitudes with “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” The liturgy explored our poverty of spirit using Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 5. Jesus invites us to be salt and light in the...

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

This week began our deep exploration of practicing the Beatitudes with “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” The liturgy explored our poverty of spirit using Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 5. Jesus invites us to be salt and...

9.11.16 An Invitation to Live the Beatitudes

A journey back to reality. It’s something most of us could use, what with the competing scripts and distortions and narratives and lies that swirl around us, telling us who we should be and what we should strive for and what we should buy to get there. It’s enough to...

An Invitation to Live the Beatitudes

A journey back to reality. It’s something most of us could use, what with the competing scripts and distortions and narratives and lies that swirl around us, telling us who we should be and what we should strive for and what we should buy to get there. It’s enough to...

This Fall at The Practice

In a season of so much violence and bitter division in our world and country, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the darkness. Or cynical. Or numb. Or angry. Or complicit. How do followers of Christ resist the “fight or flight” temptation, and instead...