10.23.16 Blessed are the Merciful

What a gift we received last night from Stu G. We began the evening opening ourselves to God’s kingdom work within us as we reflected on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6. We then jumped right in as Aaron and Stu led us through the fifth Beatitude, “Blessed are the...

Blessed are the Merciful

What a gift we received last night from Stu G. We began the evening opening ourselves to God’s kingdom work within us as we reflected on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6. We then jumped right in as Aaron and Stu led us through the fifth Beatitude, “Blessed are the...

Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

I left last night so grateful to be a part of a community that doesn’t just learn about the teaching of Jesus but longs to put his words into practice. After offering our whole selves to God in song and reflecting on Jesus’ words in Matthew 6, Gail and Bill led in a...

10.09.16 Blessed are the Meek

Last night we were blessed to have Sibyl Towner help us live into the third Beatitude, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Given the events of this week and the current political climate, we came with hearts in need of Jesus’ teaching. The false...