4.9.17 Palms and Promises

What a beautiful and glorious night! We began in the chapel with our family liturgy. What a gift it was it to worship with two-year-olds, 70-year-olds, and everyone in between. Then Meredith led us into the story of Palm Sunday with palms, parades, and the promise of...

4.2.17 Turning from Fear to Sacrificial Love

It was wonderful to come back together in the chapel after a week of gathering in community around one another’s tables. Our opening liturgy brought us through Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones and the raising of Lazarus. We sang “Take us, shape us, break us, may your...

Turning from Fear to Sacrificial Love

It was wonderful to come back together in the chapel after a week of gathering in community around one another’s tables. Our opening liturgy brought us through Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones and the raising of Lazarus. We sang “Take us, shape us, break us, may your...

3.19.17 Knowing our True Selves

Sunday night was a wonderful gift in the middle of our Lenten journey. We started the evening weaving “Take us, Lord” throughout our opening liturgy. I have been sitting with and praying the lyrics this morning asking God to take us, shape us, send us, and use us....

Knowing our True Selves

Sunday night was a wonderful gift in the middle of our Lenten journey. We started the evening weaving “Take us, Lord” throughout our opening liturgy. I have been sitting with and praying the lyrics this morning asking God to take us, shape us, send us, and use us....