A Practice Update

Friends, it was so good to be back together last night. From Please Speak to the Doxology, it felt right to gather once again and celebrate the Eucharist in holy community. After our opening liturgy, we shared an update on the future of The Practice. For the last two...

6.25.17 Celebrating God’s Work

Last night was a bundle of emotions. It was joyful and celebratory, deeply reflective and full of gratitude, and there was a healthy dose of sadness. At times I found all of these emotions swirling at the same time. No matter what emotion was rising to the surface,...

Celebrating God’s Work

Last night was a bundle of emotions. It was joyful and celebratory, deeply reflective and full of gratitude, and there was a healthy dose of sadness. At times I found all of these emotions swirling at the same time. No matter what emotion was rising to...

6.11.17 The Paschal Mystery

This season feels uncertain, a little chaotic, and unformed, but the Holy Spirit was certainly hovering over us last night. We began with a liturgy ordered on Genesis 1. Someone once told me a proper understanding of God as creator is essential for our journey as...

The Paschal Mystery

This season feels uncertain, a little chaotic, and unformed, but the Holy Spirit was certainly hovering over us last night. We began with a liturgy ordered on Genesis 1. Someone once told me a proper understanding of God as creator is essential for our journey as...