Listening to God in Repentance

In our time together, Kimberly Pelletier helped us examine repentance. How have we sought to meet a valid need in our life with something less than God? In what ways are we trying to control that need, and how might Jesus be inviting us to let go and turn to him?...

3.3.19 The Gift of Presence

It was so wonderful to have Trevor and Lacy with us this weekend! Last night, Trevor invited us to consider the gift of presence. We explored the real encounter that happens when we learn to be present to the presence of God in all of creation. And Lacy helped us...

2.17.2019 Listening to God in Simplicity

Sunday night, we continued our month engaging the spiritual practice of simplicity. I am more and more convinced this practice is essential in our journey of walking and working with Jesus. The life Jesus offers is a life of simplicity. On Sunday night, we learned...

Listening to God in Simplicity

Sunday night, we continued our month engaging the spiritual practice of simplicity. I am more and more convinced this practice is essential in our journey of walking and working with Jesus. The life Jesus offers is a life of simplicity. On Sunday night, we learned...

2.10.2019 Listening to God in Simplicity

Sunday night was such a gift! Warren and the Judson Choir guided our liturgy and led us beautifully into the heart of God. Then we explored the spiritual practice of simplicity with Ashlee Eiland. Friends, the more I sit with this practice, the more I realize how...