Last night, we went deep into the Garden of Gethsemane. Our opening liturgy tuned our hearts to the season of Lent. Then, Ashlee brilliantly brought us into the garden with Jesus. I continue to ponder the support God sent to Jesus in his agony and God’s presence with us as when we are filled to the brim with sorrow.

Ashlee then guided us gently into prayer. We brought our sorrow into the presence of Christ and joined the agony of Jesus on our knees wrestling with God’s call on our lives and the way suffering attempts to divert us from God’s divine errand.

It was a profound and beautiful night. Please make some time to listen to the teaching and engage the practice through the podcast.

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue in the three traditional practices of Lent: prayer, fasting and alms-giving. As you deepen your practice of prayer in this season, would you consider continuing the prayer we began last night? Would you also consider where you desire greater freedom? Is there anything you might consider fasting from during Lent? Finally, would you consider how you might physically join with the suffering face of Christ in the world around you, and would you also consider how you might prepare to give? On April 8th, we will take a special offering for the Celebration of Hope fund as a way of engaging alms-giving. How might you prepare for this offering?