Download the Message – “And Forgive Us Our Trespasses” (Deirdre JVR)

What a gift to have the soulful Deirdre JVR be with us last Sunday to take us deeper into what it means to be forgiven by God. A wonderful phrase that stood out to me from her sharing was: “Forgiveness is the Oxygen to thriving relationships.” What a beautiful reminder that we need that oxygen in our relationship to God and with others.

For any of you who would love to hear Deirdre’s words again, or for those of you who couldn’t make it and would like to listen from home, here is the download link to her message:

Also please be sure to check out this beautiful piece of written prose unpacking the story of “The Other Son” for those of you who know what it means to be the older brother in this story, and spend some time with our resources this week to keep diving deeper.

May you continue to move beyond simply ASKING for forgiveness, into how to RECEIVE forgiveness.

Peace to you,

Jenna and The Practice Team